Eric Yang

Teacher, Writer, Speaker, Preacher
​I am an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Santa Clara University. I think about questions concerning what we are, what God is like, what life after death may be like, and what it takes to live a flourishing life. I may never satisfactorily answer these questions, but I believe trying to answer them in the temporally and spatially scattered community of thinkers both great and small (and obviously I'm in the latter category) will make me not only a better thinker but also a better and happier person.
Philosophy is not merely a job for me. I desire to be a genuine lover of wisdom. I am neither wise nor very good at loving wisdom. Thankfully, there are exemplars who are wise and love wisdom. They lived a certain way, and I strive to emulate their life. Along the way, I sometimes write, speak, teach, and preach, and through that undertaking I hope that some will become inspired to pursue Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.
Selected Publications


Achievement through humility: wild lessons from Benedictine monasticism, w/ Br. John Baptist Santa Ana, OSB, in Nicholls & Salazar (eds.) Mind Over Matter (Brill, forthcoming).
Incarnation, Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion (2021).
Resurrection, Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion (2021).
Popular (non-academic)
"I know there is good in you: Luke, Anakin, and Confucian filial piety," in Eberl & Decker (eds.) Star Wars and Philosophy Strike Back (forthcoming).